You are cordially invited to

U M E L E C* M A G A Z I N E* L O N D O N* L A U N C H

with a video screening of the underground classic


Telepathy 101

by James B.L. Hollands (UK, 2009-present, audio/video, 17 minutes)

First shown in the Tate Modern in 2009, Telepathy 101 is an evolving perceptual video and sound work which uses CIA techniques of mind control to invoke a telepathic network of being within the audience.
Telepathy 101 has been shown as a live, recorded and improvised single and multi-screen work in galleries and squats around the world, it will be shown at the Old Police Station in a 2012 remix.
The work involves heavy use of flickering imagery

Plus performances by

Ivan Mecl : The False Jew
Paul Chaney from Labourcamp

at* T H E* O L D* P O L I C E* S T A T I O N
114-116 Amersham Vale, New Cross, SE14 6LG

on Thursday April 5th at 7pm

The magazine features writing by (among others) Mark Fisher, Michael Bracewell, James Hollands and Jack London alongside art from Simon 'six' Barker and Artists Unite.

It's good. The evening will be good. You will probably get drunk. You might get offered drugs. You may even get laid.

Find more about Divus and related projects at
You can write to them at [email protected]
or call +44 (0)7879 315 715, +44 (0)7760 370 791


UK: +44 (0) 7879 315 715
DE: +49 (0) 1512 9088 150
CR: +420 602 269 888
Skype: ivan_mecl